Monday, September 14, 2009

Storing Artwork at School vs. Sending Work Home

Our school very much enjoys participating on the Artsonia website. Since we have been posting children's artwork on-line it is more available for parents to see what their child is doing in art class and they can let other relatives know where to look on the website to see current art projects.
Having the Artsonia website enables me to save up more projects at school. I like to have many options available to me when I am getting ready to hang a show or put up the annual exhibit at our shopping mall. I do keep all 2-D work together at school by homeroom groups. This way I can include a little bit of everything in an art show at the end of the year. Assignments that are 3-D tend to go home shortly after creation or I assign them closer to the scheduled art show.
I have found that photographing the artwork takes minimal time when I lay them on the floor in a line and just shoot the photo while standing. When I photograph ceramics or other sculptural works I set up a backdrop of paper and photo the object from a stool.
Perhaps you would like to see for yourself what the Artsonia website is all about. Click here to see the homepage and you'll be able to check out the work of many students all around the United States and the world. You'll be amazed.

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