Monday, January 31, 2011

Figure Drawing with a Winter Twist

Today I'd like to share a lesson that's gone quite well here in my art classroom:

The winter figure drawing unit is going very well this year with the fourth grade classes.  We have one large wooden manikin that we may refer to when working on poses and there are 5 or 6 smaller manikins that may be taken to each student table if a reference is needed.  I also made copies of a human positioning template that helped students visualize the proportions of a body. 

I had the students use manila paper and draw a rough sketch of a body posed in a winter activity.  They cut this out and used it to get the body traced onto the final gray paper.  This helped to avoid so much erasing.  They were to not worry about clothing at this point. 

Next they used white tempera or acrylic to block in snowy ground and sky and create an environment for the athletes or active winter figures.  We had many skiers, snowboarders, ice skaters, hockey players, and a few runners. 

It was fun to see the figures develop further.  I offered the students Crayola construction paper crayons and regular oil pastels too.  The pressed firmly and blended the colors to created clothing for the active winter figures. 

We have only been at this lesson 2 -3 days and most 4th graders are getting to the finished stage this week already.  I think we will have some ready for the open house on Friday.  I'll be glad to mix them in with our other winter art already hanging throughout the school. 

Shown below are 2 finished examples from today.  If you'd like to click over to our Artsonia page, I have more stored there from another school year.  I guess I didn't do this lesson last year, because these finished pieces are from 2 years ago.

I will show these off tomorrow to provide encouragement to the next two groups of fourth graders.  They may set a goal to be done at the end of class also.

By E. H. gr 4

by P. G. gr 4

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