Earlier this week, my colleague and I hung our combined school art exhibit. This afternoon we held our reception. I thought I'd share a few photos of how we place the 2-D work on the walls. We really packed the pieces in tightly so that more children could be represented. It was almost like doing a mosaic tile job. We hung the larger works first and filled in the rest of the wall with smaller works. Lastly, we placed the 3-D work around on the window ledges and pedestals.

Since three of the walls are carpeted with a low loop, it is really easy to change out the shows. There is a plywood base under the carpet and it can take many nails before a remodel is needed. The carpet will also take the sharp part of velcro really well for any lightweight matted works and it sticks right were you want it. It allowed us to make many changes as we put the final touches on the show arrangement.

I think we got more pieces hung this year than in the past. It certainly took a little longer than usual to arrange everything. We served cookies, party mix, fresh veggies, and grapes. For a beverage we served clear soda. I think we enjoy having this show, but we are glad it is only an annual event.